We recommend neutering any dogs or cats not intended for breeding use. This prevents unwanted litters but, in addition, reduces undesirable behaviour (due to hormonal influence), stops the mess of bitches in season and reduces the risk of certain diseases, for instance: mammary or ovarian tumours and uterine diseases in females, and prostate disease, testicular tumours and some anal tumours in males.
We recommend that male dogs and cats, and female cats are neutered when they reach six months of age. Traditionally female dogs are normally spayed three months after their first season but recent opinion is now to spay at 6 months, before the first season, as this more or less eliminates the risk of mammary tumours. However we advise that very large breeds are left until they are more mature before spaying.
For more information and advice please ask one of our nurses or vets telephone 01291 672637.
We accept charity neutering vouchers to enable clients to bring their pets in for routine neutering.
Please telephone our receptionists on 01291 672637 (Usk) or 01633 430053 (Caerleon) to book your appointment and find out more about eligibility.
Operating Theatre
Both the Usk and Caerleon Centres have dedicated operating theatres to allow us to perform surgery, from routine neutering to specialised soft tissue and orthopaedic procedures. We also have an area for carrying out dental procedures with ultrasonic and air powered equipment, enabling us to maintain your pets' dental health.
Admission Procedure
We appreciate that clients may have worries about their pet undergoing surgical procedures. If you have any concerns or would like to discuss your pet's operation and aftercare please do not hesitate to contact one of our Veterinary Nurses (Usk) 01291 672637 (Caerleon) 01633 430053.
At the Usk surgery we have facilities to care for your animals if they are too unwell to be at home. When in the surgery your pet will have an attentive vet and nurse to care for their particular needs. If your pet needs to undergo surgery rest assured that they will receive the very best of care.
Here are some points to consider if you pet is being admitted for surgery:
- You should not feed dogs or cats after 8pm the night before admission. Rabbits and other small furries should have free access to food and water and should have some of their usual food brought to the surgery with them.
- Food should be removed from dogs and cats at 8pm the previous evening, and they should not be allowed to drink in the morning before coming to the surgery.
- If you need to cancel your appointment for surgery please notify us as soon as you are able - there may be another pet waiting to be booked in for an operation.
- Your dog should be walked prior to admission to the surgery to ensure that the bladder and bowels are emptied.
- Pets are admitted between 8.15am and 9.00am on the day of their operation.
- Please notify us if your pet has become unwell since the appointment was made. You should also let us know if it has ever suffered fits or has a known heart problem.
- Please make us aware if your pet is insured as we may need to obtain the insurers consent to cover the cost of the procedure.
- Please allow time to read through information and answer questions about your pet with one of our nurses. You will also be asked to sign a consent form. If you have any questions or concerns about your pet's treatment we are there to reassure you.
- We will weigh your pet to accurately calculate doses of medication required during procedures. We would advise that your pet undergoes a blood test prior to surgery to check the blood cell count and test the liver and kidneys are functioning properly before we administer an anaesthetic. This ensures we use the best anaesthetic choice for your pet.
- We know that you may be understandably concerned about your pet during its stay with us. Our staff will contact you to update you on your pet's progress. If your pet is making a rapid recovery from the anaesthetic we will be able to give you an indication of the time that you can collect your pet, this will usually be between 4.00pm and 6.00pm.
- Our nurses will fully inform you about aftercare for your pet following surgery and make a follow-up appointment for a check-up if required.
- Your pet may have a small area of fur shaved on the limb where we administer medication, a tube to administer gases will also be passed down your pet's throat which may result in a slight cough but this is entirely normal and nothing to worry about. Wounds may be covered with a dressing and you may be advised that you pet wears a buster collar to prevent interference with wounds to ensure they heal quickly. Our nurses will advise about diet during recovery and whether your pet needs to be kept to a restricted area to avoid strenuous exercise.
- Please note that your pet may be very subdued for a few days after an operation.
- The admitting nurse will ask questions about your pet, and will ask you to sign a consent form. Please allow time for this.
- Operating Theatre: provide the link to Admission Procedure rather than Hospitalisation.
- Diagnostic Equipment: please add a fourth sentence. In addition we have facilities for analysing blood and urine to assist with diagnosis (in house laboratory).
If you would like to discuss your pet's surgery please contact one of our Veterinary Nurses by telephoning (Usk) 01291 672637 or (Caerleon) 01633 430053.
Payment is expected upon collection of your pet whereupon you will receive a 5% discount on your invoice.
Diagnostic Equipment
Based at the Usk surgery we have a new Diagnox-4006 X-Ray machine, ultrasound scanners and endoscope. This allows us to view pictures of bones and organs within the animal’s body. We also have a blood pressure machine and an ECG monitor to assess your pet’s heart and circulation.
In House Laboratory
Usk surgery is equipped with high quality in-house blood machines, allowing results to be obtained swiftly in critical cases. These machines allow us to analyse haematology, biochemistry and electrolyte information.
A range of in house elisa tests are also available, allowing us to test for common infectious conditions such as FIV (Feline Immunodeficieny Virus), FELV (Feline Leukaemia Virus) and Parvovirus.
Our in house laboratory is also equipped with microscopes and urinalysis equipment, facilitating faster results and diagnosis for our patients and clients.
There will, of course, still be many occasions when we need to use the services of external laboratories for other less common tests. Samples are collected by courier each weekday evening, allowing faster turn-around times of results, often within 24 hours (depending on the test).
Once your pet's results are received we will contact you as soon as possible.
If you would like to contact one of our Veterinary Nurses please telephone (Usk) 01291 672637
or (Caerleon) 01633 430053.